Bath Fizzies – Mar 26, 2016

DIY: 7 Recipe Ideas for Easter Egg Bath Fizzies (see pics here)


Homemade Easter Egg Bath Fizzies Ingredients:

  • 1 Cup Baking Soda
  • 1/2 Cup Citric Acid
  • 1/2 Cup Corn Starch Powder
  • 1/2 Cup Epsom Salt
  • 8-10 Tablespoons of Oil
  • 2 Teaspoons Essential Oil (I used peppermint, lavender would also be nice)**
  • 6-9 drops Food Coloring

Unlike the heart molds that I left overnight, you want to take your bomb out of the egg as soon as you make it. To do so gently squeeze the sides of the egg to loosen it. Then when it feels loose, slide it off in a circular motion — like you are screwing it off.

Next squeeze the sides other half of the egg mold until it feels loose and slide it off, also in a circular motion.

If the egg crumbles as you take it out, or you don’t like the way it looks – just dump it back into your bowl and try again. If the halves won’t stick together, add another tablespoon of oil.

Lay the eggs, gently, on a towel to dry for two days.

Epson Salts + Water Bath Fizzies

Tools and Materials
2 cups Epsom salts
2 tablespoons water
A few drops essential oil(s)
1 drop food coloring, plus more if desired
Special equipment: plastic pipette, large or small round bath-ball molds, storage jars
Stir together Epsom salts and water in a mixing bowl. Using pipette, add oil, 1 drop at a time, until strength of scent is to your liking. Add food coloring, 1 drop at a time, until desired shade is achieved; stir until color is even throughout. Spoon a generous amount of mixture (more than necessary) into 1/2 of a bath-ball mold. Pack firmly. Repeat, packing mixture into second half of mold. Press pieces together until they connect. Remove top half of mold very carefully. Let bath ball stand, mold side down, overnight (set ball on an overturned jar lid to keep it from tipping over). Remove mold carefully. Invert, and let ball dry completely, 2 to 3 days more. Transfer to jars.

DIY Easter Egg Bath Fizzies

Ingredients for homemade bath fizzies:

  • 1 level cup not packed of baking soda
  • 5 teaspoons of citric acid
  • 5 teaspoons Himalaya salt
  • 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil ( or another carrier oil)
  • some drops of an essential oil( lavender, mint, eucalyptus, lemon etc)
  •  chopped dry flowers ( marigold, lavender, rose, mint)
  • water
  • optional- you can use dyes- any color you prefer ( ex. cocoa)

Procedure for homemade bath bombs:

  1. In a bowl, mix all the dry ingredients, except the dry flowers
  2. Add the oils, until the composition get wet. If you use a vegetable butter, heat it first and then add it. Add gradually the water until you can shape the composition. If it’s to liquid, add more baking soda.
  3. Put the dry flowers on the bottom of a special recipient. Pour the composition into special recipient( you can use cupcakes shapes). Press very well the composition in order to avoid the decomposition after is dry. Get out the composition from the recipient. Put the fizzies on a napkin. Leave them to dry 2 days.

Oatmeal Bath Fizzies

Rose, Lavender, & Oatmeal Bath Fizzie

1/2 cup Citric Acid
1 cup Baking Soda UK: Bicarbonate of Soda)
1/4 cup Quick oats
1/4 tsp Lavender Essential Oil
1/8 tsp Rose Geranium Essential Oil
Lavender Flowers
Rose Petals
Witch Hazel (in a spray bottle- 18 squirts)

Sift the Citric Acid and Baking Soda (Bicarbonate) into a bowl. Pour your quick oats into the bowl and stir really well. Next, drizzle your essential oils on top and mix everything really well. I find that using my hand is far better than a spoon since I can break any clumps with my fingers and make sure that the fragrance is evenly dispersed. You’ll want to spray this mixture with Witch Hazel until it reaches a slightly damp consistency. The best way to describe this is maybe damp sand on the beach that is just starting to dry out. With my mini spritzer I spray three squirts and then mix really well with my hand. I keep adding three more squirts and mixing until the consistency feels right. What you’re looking for is the mixture holding form when you squish it into a ball in your hand. With my mini sprayer this took eighteen squirts though of course your sprayer may be different.

Carefully pick up both halves of the moulds and place them together. Press firmly so that the mixture from both halves compresses together. Pull the ‘bottom’ mould off your bath fizzie then gently tap the fizzie out of the second half and onto a surface where it can dry. If your surface is too hard, it’s likely that the bottom of your bath fizzie will flatten so I dry my own fizzies on a folded towel with a sheet of cling film on top. Depending on size, Bath Fizzies can take anywhere from twelve to twenty-four hours to dry.

Easter Egg Bath Fizzies

Ingredients (Will make 6 large bath fizzies)

  • 8 oz. Baking soda
  • 4 oz. Epsom salt
  • 4 oz. Cornstarch
  • 4 oz. Citric acid
  • 3 teaspoons water
  • 2 teaspoons essential oil
  • 2-5 drops food coloring (optional)
  • 3 teas coconut oil (optional)
  • Larger plastic Easter eggs or silicone/plastic mold
  • Confetti sprinkles (optional)
In a large bowl, combine the Epsom salt, cornstarch, baking soda and citric acid. Stir the ingredients together using a whisk. In a separate small bowl, mix together your wet ingredients: water, essential oil and food coloring. Pour your wet ingredients into the bowl with your dry ingredients and whisk together.
The mixture will start to clump a little. Use your fingers to ball up a bit of the mixture to see if it is starting to stick together a bit. If not, you can add a little more water, but be careful. ONLY add a very little at a time or you will ruin the entire mixture. Take one of your eggs and put a little of the confetti sprinkles in one side or both. Then start tightly packing the bath fizzy powder into both sides of the egg. Make sure there aren’t any air pockets – just a small hole is enough to make your bath bomb crumble so really pack the mixture in tightly.
This is also the step where you could place a very small toy inside the egg if you would like. Keep in mind this needs to be very small and light or the egg will not pack correctly. One time I tried to hide some turtle erasers in the eggs and they fell right apart.
Then push the sides together and let the egg sit on a towel covered with waxed paper for at least 15 minutes. After 15 minutes carefully pry open the egg to see if the mixture has formed to the mold. If it has, it will look like this. The eggs need to dry completely overnight before you try and use them or package them up as gifts.

DIY Really Cool Bath Fizzies

  • 1 cup citric acid
  • 2 cup baking soda
  • 1-1/2 cup cornstarch
  • ½ cup epsom salts
  • 2-4 tablespoons water
  • Small squeeze of food coloring (Optional)
  • 10 drops essential oil, or more as desired (Optional)
  • Equipment: suitable mold for bath fizzies
  1. In a large bowl, mix together the citric acid, baking soda, cornstarch and Epsom salts.
  2. With one hand, stir dry mix constantly with a whisk. With other, drizzle in the water until the mixture just clumps together. If you start to see fizzing, that means there is too much water in one area and you should stir that area quickly to distribute out the moisture.
  3. Add just enough water so that the mix holds together when you squeeze it in your hands.
  4. If coloring your bath fizzies, use a few drops of food coloring to achieve the desired shade.
  5. If scenting your bath fizzies, add in the essential oil a drop or two at a time to achieve the desired smell.
  6. Pack bath fizzie mix into molds very firmly and smooth the surface of each bath fizzie.
  7. Unmold bath fizzies onto a sheetpan or other flat, dry surface.
  8. Let bath fizzies dry overnight.
  9. Carefully package as desired for gift giving or your own personal spa day.

Robins Egg Bath Fizzies

Sweet Blueberry Vanilla

Fresh Ingredients:

Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)

Citric Acid

Epson Salts

Arrowroot Powder

Isopropyl Alcohol

Sweet Almond Oil





FD&C Blue 1

FD&C Yellow S

Modified Food Starch

Sodium Benzoate

Potassium Sorbate

Carrageenan Gum

Xanthum Gum.