His & Hers EO Fragrance-Feb 13, 2016

Today’s EO Make & Take: DIY Fragrances

after shave

FREE Printable Label – Personal Use – Cedarwood Vanilla

cedarwood vanilla label jpeg.jpg

FREE Printable – Personal Use – Lavender Jasmine



Essential Oil Perfumery:

How To – Make Your Own Signature Perfume with Essential Oils


Masculine essential oils to create your own blends

bottle of fir tree essential oil - beauty treatment

Essential oils may seem like they could be a girly type thing, but really they don’t discriminate on sex. If blended right, you can find a scent for anyone, men included! Though I am giving you ten masculine blends below, to use in your men’s cologne, you can of course create your own blends for yourself. While any essential oil can be blended into any cologne or perfume, these are some essential oils that tend to be favored more often by men:

Citrus – bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, lime, mandarin, petitgrain, sweet orange, tangerine

Herbaceous – basil, bay (laurel, West Indies), cajeput, carrot seed, catnip, clary sage, coriander, eucalyptus (globulus, lemon, smithii), lavender, lemongrass, oregano, palmarosa, peppermint, rosemary, sage, tea tree, thyme

Rich Base Notes – copaiba basalm, frankincense, myrrh, oakmoss, oakwood, patchouli, peru basalm, sandalwood, vanilla, vetiver

Spice – allspice, anise, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon leaf (use leaf instead of bark for all topical applications, cinnamon bark is too irritating to put on the skin), clove bud, ginger, nutmeg

Woods – black spruce, cedarwood (atlas, Virginian), cypress, fir needle, juniper berry, pine