Montreal Steak Rub – Feb 27, 2016

poster steak seasoning MAKE & TAKE jpeg

Make & Take EO Steak Seasoning

  • 4 Tbl coarsely ground coriander seeds – substitute 1 drop Coriander EO
  • 4 Tbl freshly ground black pepper – substitute 1 drop Black Pepper EO
  • 4 Tbl dill weed – substitute 1 drop Dill EO
  • 2 Tbl fennel seeds – substitute 1 drop Fennel EO
  • 4 Tbl paprika
  • 3 Tbl ground red pepper flakes
  • 3 Tbl dehydrated garlic
  • 2 Tbl coarse kosher salt
  • 1 Tbls sunflower seed oil
  1. Put all the items in a jar/container and shake vigorously.
  2. Store in a sealed container out of the light.



It has eleven components of essential oils, six types of acids (including ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin-C), minerals and vitamins, each having a number of beneficial properties. The disinfectant, detoxifying, antiseptic, antifungal and antioxidant properties of coriander are ideal for clearing up skin disorders . Coriander helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) deposition along the inner walls of the arteries and veins.


Black Pepper

Black pepper (Piper nigrum)stimulates the taste buds in such a way that an alert is sent to to the stomach to increase hydrochloric acid secretion, thereby improving digestion. Hydrochloric acid is necessary for the digestion of proteins and other food components in the stomach. And not only does black pepper help you derive the most benefit from your food, the outer layer of the peppercorn stimulates the breakdown of fat cells, keeping you slim while giving you energy to burn.

Dill –

The activity of dill’s volatile oils qualify it as a “chemoprotective” food (much like parsley) that can help neutralize particular types of carcinogens, such as the benzopyrenes that are part of cigarette smoke, charcoal grill smoke, and the smoke produced by trash incinerators. The total volatile oil portion of dill has also been studied for its ability to prevent bacterial overgrowth. In this respect, dill shares the stage with garlic, which has also been shown to have “bacteriostatic” or bacteria-regulating effects.

Fennel –

The most important nutrient in this vegetable might be anethole, a component in the volatile oil of fennel and one of the most powerful agents against cancer occurrence, possibly due to a biological mechanism that shuts down or prevents the activation of NF-kappaB, a gene-altering, inflammation-triggering molecule.  Phytonutrients in fennel seeds include the flavonoids rutin, quercitin, and kaempferol, all antioxidants which resist infection, aging, and degenerative neurological diseases.  Fennel seed oil can reduce intestinal spasms and increase motility of the small intestine. It alleviates gastric pain and discomfort associated with indigestion, abdominal bloating, nausea, belching, and flatulence.