Lemongrass Para Spa Thermotherapy-FREEBIE 3/5/16


Benefits of Lemongrass Essential Oil

  • analgesic–reduce pain and inflammation. Lemongrass Essential Oil helps relieve pain in muscles and joints
  • antidepressant– also helps relieve anxiety
  • antimicrobial–inhibitor of microbial and bacterial growth in the body
  • antipyretic–an agent that brings down very high fevers
  • antiseptic–antiseptic properties of this oil do not let cuts and wounds become septic
  • astringent– helps the stoppage of blood flow by contraction of the blood vessels
  • carminative–excess gas safe downward passage by relaxing muscles
  • deodorant–better than many of the synthetic deodorants
  • diuretic–When a person urinates, fats are lost from the body, because 4% of the volume of urine is composed of fats. Obviously, the more you urinate, the more you lose fat. Urination also promotes digestion and inhibits the formation of excess gas. It removes excess water from the body and reduces swelling. Its most important contribution is that it removes toxins from the body, not to mention its ability to reduce blood pressure.
  • febrifuge–helps bring down fevers by battling the infections from which the fever is caused, as well as by increasing perspiration, which induces sweating out of toxins
  • fungicidal–good fungicidal properties and may be used to cure fungal infections
  • galactogogue– increasing milk production in nursing mothers
  • nervine–helps cure many nervous disorders such as shaking hands or limbs, nervousness, vertigo, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and convulsions, sluggishness, and lack of reflexes. It strengthens the nerves throughout the body and stimulates them
  • sedative–Being a sedative is perhaps one of the most important and most appreciated medicinal properties of Lemongrass Oil. It has a great soothing, sedating and calming effects on mind, cures inflammations, itching of skin and it relieves tension and anxiety
  • tonic substance–An agent which tones up and boosts health is a tonic. Lemongrass Oil is a tonic in a very clear sense. It tones all the systems functioning in the body, such as respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system and excretory system and facilitates absorption of nutrients into the body, thus providing strength and boosting the immune system

Benefits of Heat Therapy (Thermotherapy) Wax Treatment

  • acts as an emollient, which helps trap moisture in the skin. Once the wax has been rubbed or peeled away, rough hands and dry cuticles are left soft and moisturized
  • heat from a wax spa also helps temporarily soothe aching joints and increase circulation, which gives hands a more youthful appearance.
  • heated wax therapy treatments help with arthritis or other rheumatic diseases — the heat helps increase blood flow and relax the muscles, which can help relieve caused by arthritis, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia
  • softens hardened skin caused by scleroderma, a disease in which collagen accumulates on the body — it increases the skin’s elasticity, allowing for increased movement and mobility, especially on the skin covering the hands
  • warm wax traps the heat against your skin as it hardens, opening the pores. Once the wax is completely cooled it will be pulled away, taking dead skin cells along with it.
  • opening of pores and removal of dead skin cells will rejuvenate the appearance of your skin and make your hands and feet feel silky and smooth.
  • wax has been shown to treat conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia among others
  • A wax treatment acts as a type of thermotherapy, or heat therapy, that helps treat these conditions by increasing blood flow, relaxing muscles and reducing stiffness in joints.
  • It can also help with minimizing muscle spasms and inflammation, and to treat sprains and pulled muscles
  • wax therapy can be particularly effective for those suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Regular paraffin hand treatments can help relax joints and relieve pain in hands before physical therapy and exercise
  •  can also help with lowering fluid retention and flushing toxins, which can reduce swelling


Feb 6, 2016 Today’s Lemongrass Para Spa Hand Treatment – Where to Buy Para Spa online here.

How to – Hand Massages
