28 Edible Essential Oil List


30 Edible Essential Oils for your favorite recipes.

Are ‘Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade’ Essential Oils Organic?

No, they’re better. Don’t get us wrong, this post is not intended to be a CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® vs. certified organic debate.

CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®, exceeds industry standards. Because organic certification varies from country to country, province to province, and in the US, from state to state, it is not currently possible to acquire all oils under certified organic status. However, through the GC/MS analysis process, we are able to determine if any chemical residue exists in the essential oil, such as pesticides, herbicides, extenders, and solvents. CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils are a step above organic.



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Cooking with Essential Oils.

1.  Basil

2.  Bergamot

3.  Black Pepper

4.  Cassia

5.  Cardamom

6.  Chamomile, Roman

7.  Cilantro

8.  Cinnamon

9.  Clove

10.  Coriander

11.  Cumin

12.  Dill

13.  Fennel

14.  Ginger

15.  Grapefruit

16.  Juniper Berry

17.  Lavender

18.  Lemon

19.  Lemon Balm – Melissa

20.  Lemongrass

21.  Lime

22.  Marjoram

23.  Orange

24.  Oregano

25.  Peppermint

26.  Rosemary

27.  Sage

28.  Spearmint

29.  Tangerine

30.  Thyme