Cleopatra’s Balm

Demo: Ancient Beauty Secrets

Cleopatra’s Bath & Beauty Secrets

Milk and honey bath

Cleopatra’s most famous beauty secret was her ritual of bathing in milk and honey. Both of these ingredients soften the skin, exfoliate naturally, and leave you smelling fresh and sweet. Make your own by adding two cups of milk and ½ cup of honey to your bath water.

Moisturizing with aloe vera

aloeAloe vera is known to be a soothing serum for the skin. Cleopatra combined it with honey to make the ultimate face mask.

Coloring with natural henna

Cleopatra painted her fingernails reddish brown using natural henna. She also used henna, mixed with juniper berries and other plants, to dye her hair the exact color she desired.

Exfoliating with sea salts – Today’s Microdermabrasion Make & Take

Cleopatra’s radiant skin was thought to have been achieved through a combination of sea salt and olive oil, which moisturize and exfoliate.

Rose water facial toner

The Egyptian Queen loved to use rose water, which makes skin soft and smooth, as a natural facial toner. You can achieve the same results by wiping your face with rose water in the morning and evening, or, by putting it in a spray bottle and spritzing it on your face throughout the day as needed.

Apple cider vinegar

Cleopatra was known to use apple cider vinegar as a face rinse/toner, a beauty secret that is still highly popular today.

Almond oil for youthful skin
Cleopatra used almond oils as part of her skin \care regimen. She was obviously onto something, as almond oils contain mandelic acid, which is found in many modern chemical peels.

Fragrant essential oils

Essential oilRose, frankincense, cypress, neroli and myrrh essential oils were some of Cleopatra’s most favored fragrant perfumes.


Honey and oil hair repair

Mixing honey and castor oil and letting it soak into her hair was how Cleopatra kept her hair soft, strong and shiny.

Heavy cream face mask

Much like her milk and honey bath, Cleopatra used a combination of cream and honey to nourish and rehydrate her skin. Try this yourself by mixing 2 tablespoons of cream with 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply it to your face and, after letting it sit for about 10 minutes, rinse it off with warm water.

Oatmeal cleansing

Cleopatra loved to use oatmeal to clean and exfoliate her skin. While many modern soaps are harsh on the skin, oatmeal is known for its moisturizing and nourishing qualities. Add oatmeal to your bath water, or combine it with hot water and massage it over your skin.

White clay mask

Cleopatra’s natural clay mask provided a toning and lifting effect on her skin. You can make your own, but don’t leave the clay on longer than 5-10 minutes, as it can be very drying for the skin.

Celery and hemp eye serum

Although cucumber is the go-to natural eye solution today, Cleopatra used a mix of celery and hemp to great effect to keep her eyes looking bright and healthy.

Source: -The Alternative Daily

Ancient Beauty Secrets of Cleopatra

Cleopatra loved Frankincense & Myrrh.

Top 10 Cleopatra Beauty Secrets

The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra is known as the most beautiful women in the human history.


Wipe your face with rose water every morning and every evening; use it, as a natural face toner. Rose water will make your skin soft and smooth, naturally hydrating and nourishing it. You can also spray rose water on your face during the hot summer day, it will help refresh and hydrate your skin, keeping it soft and supple. Rose water can be used on the face instead of makeup primer – your foundation will glide on your skin very smoothly and easily, and the wonderful odor is a great bonus!

Amazing face cream for every skin. You will need: 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice, 4 drops of rose essential oil, 1 tablespoon of almond oil and 2 spoons of beeswax. Heat the beeswax and the almond oil until the substance gets liquid, then add the rest of the ingredients. You can add vitamin E. After the cream cools down, you can put it into your fridge. It can last for about a week.

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Beauty secrets of women in history

In honor of Women’s History MonthMarch 2016, we take a look at the most beautiful women through the ages — and their fabulous secrets!

Mary Ellen Cassman, founder and president of Dorey Aromatherapy, furthers: “Cleopatra was not only a beautiful and beguiling woman but a brilliant strategist as well. When she learned that she was to be summoned to meet Mark Antony, then King of Egypt, she sent her servants two weeks ahead of her by boat to cruise the Nile River. Their boats were elaborately decorated and filled with fragrant flowers and essential oils that wafted along the warm air of the river.

Rose, frankincense, cypress, neroli and myrrh were some of the fragrant oils and blossoms that Cleopatra employed to announce her arrival. Each has well-known aphrodisiac, uplifting yet grounding effects on the cerebral cortex by the release of neuro-peptides. (Also known as the feel good hormones!) Cleopatra is credited for bathing in milk and rose petals to keep her skin soft and fragrant.

Interestingly, the first liquid perfume (essential oil) as well as the first known chemist, a woman, has been credited to Egypt 4,000 years ago.

Beauty Secrets of Cleopatra

Another beauty secret of Cleopatra is a special face cream.
You will need:
2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice
4 drops of rose essential oil
1 tablespoon of almond oil
2 spoons of beeswax

The First Beauty Spa

The first beauty spa may have been the perfume factory owned by Cleopatra at En Gedi, by the Dead Sea. Individuals were apparently offered health and beauty treatments, since the ruins of the factory show seats in what are believed to have been waiting and treatment rooms. Fragrant herbs were blended into specially prepared olive oil. Unfortunately, the book in which Cleopatra recorded recipes for her body oils, Cleopatra Gynaeciarum Libri, is long lost. We know of it only through its mention in Roman texts.

Ein Gedi is an oasis in the desert and a green Garden of Eden in the wilderness. It is situated on the shore of the Dead Sea.

The south western shore of the Dead Sea, has a mineral spring, which has been used for therapeutic purposes since ancient times.

Applying mineral mud and massages with Dead Sea mud improve the skin’s appearance and nourish it with health. Mineral mud from Sea Of Spa allows your skin to regenerate and leave it looking brighter than ever.

According to legend, Cleopatra ordered the Roman envoy Mark Antony, her lover, to conquer the Dead Sea region so that she would have a lifetime supply of its mud, believed in antiquity to have healing and rejuvenating properties.

en gedi.jpg

…the source of the world’s most famous scent before Chanel No 5 existed. In classical times it was known as “balsam” and grew in a specially favoured grove near Ein Gedi. Famously, the balsam plantations were taken away from King Herod by Mark Antony and given to his beloved Cleopatra as a present.

Cleopatra’s balm
